General Meeting

General Meeting


The highest decision-making body of the Latvian Academy of Sciences is the General Meeting, in which elected full, honorary, foreign, and corresponding members take part. Matters pertaining to the Charter and the Statute and admittance of new members are decided by full members. In order to facilitate solving of interdisciplinary problems and contacts among representatives of allied sciences, members of the Academy form divisions of sciences of the Latvian Academy of Sciences.

In between general meetings, the work of the Latvian Academy of Sciences is headed by the President, who is elected by its members, and the Senate. The General Meeting of the Latvian Academy of Sciences elects the Supervisory Council.

With the purpose to organise different spheres of work of the Latvian Academy of Sciences and to take prompt decisions, the Presidium, Board, and other organisational structures are formed. Composition and duties of these structures are determined by the Statute of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. (see CHARTER OF THE LATVIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES)



5.1. The highest decision-making body of the LAS is the General Meeting which is attended by the LAS Full Members, Honorary Members, Foreign Members, and Corresponding Members.

5.1.1. Participation in the LAS General Meetings is compulsory for the LAS Full Members and Corresponding Members under the age of 70, unless there are objective reasons for their absence. The General Meeting is competent to start its work and take decisions, provided more than half of Full Members and Corresponding Members under the age of 70 are present, including those who have cast their votes in advance by post.

5.1.2. The General Meeting is chaired by the President of the LAS or the Vice President authorised by the President. Issues are decided at the General Meetings of the LAS by a simple majority of votes of the LAS Members present, except the voting for the amendments to the LAS Statute stipulated in Paragraph 7.1. The General Meeting decides all personal issues by secret ballot, unless the General Meeting decides on open voting. The LAS Members who cannot participate in the General Meeting may vote on the issues announced on agenda of the General Meeting by post (also in the event of open voting). The form of the voting-paper approved by the LAS Senate should be used for voting by post.

5.1.3. General Meetings of the LAS are convened at least twice a year and are open. The Spring General Meeting (usually in April) hears and approves the annual report of the Secretary General of the LAS on the LAS activities in the previous year, hears the report of the Supervisory Council, re-elects LAS offi cials on the Senate's recommendation, and examines other issues; The Autumn General Meeting (usually in November) hears the academic lecture, elects new LAS Members, exceptionally elects individual LAS offi cials on the Senate's recommendation, and examines other issues.

5.1.4. The General Meeting of the LAS elects the following offi cials: the President, Vice Presidents, the Secretary General of the LAS, the Chairperson of the LAS Fund, the Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the LAS with authority of the Vice President, and other LAS offi cials put on the list which is approved by the General Meeting of the LAS. The term of LAS offi cials is 4 years, and their election to each of the posts may be permitted no more than two consecutive times. Vice Presidents of the LAS, the Chairperson of the LAS Fund, and the Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the LAS are not public offi cials within the meaning of the Law on Prevention of Confl ict of Interest in Activities of Public Offi cials, unless the order of the President of the LAS stipulate otherwise.

5.2. The LAS Senate as a decision-making body together with the President of the LAS and the Secretary General of the LAS direct the work of the LAS between the General Meetings. (see STATUTE OF THE LATVIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES)

Materials of the past General Meetings are available at the LAS website (in Latvian). 

Materials of the General Meetings are available in English in annual reports or YearBooks of the Latvian Academy of Sciences

Read 5304 times Last modified on Friday, 23 October 2020 15:11
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