The Latvian Academy of Sciences announces winners of the annual Science Achievements’ Competition 2024
The Latvian Academy of Sciences (LAS) has announced winners of the annual Science Achievements’ Competition - top twelve achievements were selected from 47 eligible proposals that were submitted for evaluation.
Traditionally the achievements in science are divided in two groups – fundamental science and applied science; the achievements shortlisted for the winners group usually cover a wide scope of research areas: this year works in theoretical physics, data processing systems and computer networks, system analysis, modelling and designing, polymers and composite materials, bio-organic chemistry, biotechnology of medical processes, organic chemistry, agricultural biotechnology, as well as art history, law science and history were selected.
President of the Latvian Academy of Sciences (LAS) Prof. Ivars Kalviņš: “We can conclude with satisfaction that the range of applicants in the competition for the best scientific achievements in Latvia organized by the academy is becoming increasingly wider, and the level of submitted works – increasingly higher. This year, the 12 most outstanding research projects were awarded the honor of laureates, the selection of which was carried out by all four departments of the LAS according to the scientific areas which they represent – in physics and engineering, chemistry, biology and medicine, as well as in agriculture and forestry, and, of course, also in the field of humanities, social sciences and arts. This year, several international top research teams participated in the competition, in which Latvia was represented mainly by groups of scientists that involve LAS academicians and foreign members. It is pleasing that most of the winners participate in the competition with targeted interdisciplinary research, including those whose results have been tested in practice”.
Achievements in Latvian Science 2024 [pdf].
About the competition
The year 2024 marks the 23rd anniversary since the Latvian Academy of Sciences launched the annual science achievement competition. The principal aim of the competition since then has been: annual monitoring of the processes in Latvian science by assessing and naming the most significant achievements of the year. Also, the results and winners of the competition would be popularized among wider public thus contributing to science communication in Latvia. Since 2011, as the competition gained its popularity among researchers and the academic community, the winners are awarded diplomas, and a special awarding ceremony is held. In the following years the event's regular and numerous attendees include its supporters, sponsors, media representatives and other stakeholders. This annual event highlights and celebrates the excellence in Latvian science and research.
Additional information about the LAS scientific achievement competitions can be found on the LAS website [link:].
Diplomas presented to the newly elected members of the Latvian Academy of Sciences
On Thursday, December 19, 2024, a diploma presentation ceremony for the newly elected members of the Latvian Academy of Sciences was held. The full list of new members can be found at the LAS website [in Latvian].
The newly elected foreign members:
Dr. Alma K. Dauletbekova (L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan)
Dr. Miroslav D. Dramičanin (The Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade, Serbia)
PhD Xiaodan Pang (Riga Technical University, Latvia)
Dr. Michal M. Piasecki (Jan Dlugosz University, Częstochowa, Poland);
Dr. Jānis Timošenko (Fritz-Haber Institute of Max Planck Society, Department of Interface Science, Berlin, Germany)
Photos by Jānis Brencis. Photo gallery [link]
Diploma awarding ceremony for the new members of the Academy will take place on 19 December 2024
On Thursday, December 19, 2024, at 2:00 PM, the diploma awarding ceremony for the newly elected members of the Latvian Academy of Sciences will take place at the Portrait Hall of the Academy, 1 Akadēmijas laukums, 3rd floor, in Riga.
On November 21, 2024, at the LAS General Assembly, twelve full members, five foreign members and one honorary member, as well as five corresponding members were elected.
Among the newly elected foreign members are:
Three young Latvian scientists are granted Baltic Women in Science fellowships
Three young Latvian scientists Dr. chem. Daniela Godiņa, Dr. phil. Anne Sauka and Mg. Līga Ignatāne are announced the winners of the “Women in Science Baltic Fellowship” contest launched this year by the Latvian Academy of Sciences and Latvian National Commission for UNESCO.
President of the Latvian Academy of Sciences Ivars Kalviņš emphasizes: “The fellowship established by the Baltic Academies of Sciences and the UNESCO national commissions is a support for our country's most talented and highest performing young women scientists who have earned this honor in high competition with their colleagues. The fields of activity of the winners of the contest represent both humanities and social sciences, as well as research in biotechnology and nanotechnology. I can note with satisfaction the very high level of the submitted research projects and the significance of the expected results in the development of Latvian science. We can also be proud of the fact that Latvian women scientists, despite all the difficulties, have managed to become important players not only of the Latvian scientific community, but also have successfully integrated into the international research environment.”
“Let the Baltic fellowship for women scientists serve as the ground of new ideas and discoveries for the growth of society and help to continue the started path in research,” wishes Baiba Moļņika, Secretary-General of the Latvian National Commission for UNESCO.
The “Women in Science Baltic Fellowship”, established by the National Academies of Sciences of the Baltic States, in cooperation with the UNESCO National Commissions, announced a joint contest for young women scientists in June 2024. Winners of the contest are granted nine fellowships of 7,000 euros each.
The goal of the joint fellowship is to support young women scientists so that they can build a career in the field of scientific research in the Baltic States, as well as popularize the achievements of young women scientists and encourage the most talented women students to choose the profession of a scientist.
The contest in Latvia was organized by the Latvian Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the Latvian National Commission for UNESCO, and received the financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science. In Latvia, 63 applications for the fellowship were received. 50 applications were received in the field of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Medical and Health Sciences, and 13 applications were received in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences.
About the laureates
Daniela GODIŅA
Dr. chem. Daniela Godiņa began her career at the Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry (LSIWC), in the Biorefinery Laboratory, in 2014, while simultaneously studying in the Natural Sciences program at the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Latvia. At the institute, she developed her bachelor's thesis titled “Studies on the Stability of the Main Components of Ethanol Extracts from Birch Bark” and master’s thesis titled “Determination of Levoglucosenone Obtained from Biomass and Its Degradation Products in Fast Pyrolysis Products Using UHPLC-UV-QDa System”. She completed doctoral studies at the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Latvia, while working at LSIWC. The doctoral dissertation, titled “Characterization and Process Optimization of Valorization Products from Birch (Betula pendula) Biomass Grown in Latvia,” which was defended as a collection of nine SCOPUS-indexed publications, aimed to promote the full valorization of birch biomass – both wood and bark – into high-value-added products and to develop a set of analytical methods for quality control of these processed products.
Overall, Daniela has participated in and made significant contributions to the execution of 13 projects, mainly ERDF or ERANET projects. Alongside the work on scientific projects and the development of the doctoral dissertation, she established the LSIWC Student Council in January 2022, serving as its chairperson. In addition to the LSIWC Student Council, she is also a member of the Latvian Association of Young Scientists and the leader of Nucleate Latvia. She has participated in several events, such as Deep Tech Atelier and the Lampa Conversation Festival, in order to share her experience in science and science communication. Her papers are regularly published in high-impact scientific journals, she participates in international scientific conferences with oral and poster presentations, and has taken part in several exchange trips, gaining valuable additional knowledge and new contacts.
The Baltic Women in Science fellowship will be used for the development of the planned project “Bio-based polymer sorbent synthesis from extractives and suberin depolymerization products derived from birch bark,” which will provide valuable insights in environmental science and analytical chemistry, promoting collaboration and fostering sustainable development.
Dr. phil. Anne Sauka is a senior research and associate professor in ethics at the Department of Philosophy and Ethics, Faculty of Humanities, University of Latvia. Sauka's research interests are mainly within the fields of environmental philosophy and ethics, biophilosophy, phenomenology of the body and new materialism. In her project, Sauka accentuates the importance and contribution of human sciences for envisioning a more sustainable future, particularly in connection with the search for ethical solutions for improvement of human-nature relations. The researcher emphasizes thet the lived materiality – namely, the environment within and around us is also significantly impacted by human values, practices, and attitudes, and thus – by the dominating narratives or stories that we tell about the world. This guiding principle drives the resarcher's interest in seeking out new and existing but marginalized stories that reflect our experiences in relating to the world and allow describing and experiencing human-nature relationships in a non-hierarchical and symbiotic way.
In the framework of the Baltic Women in Science Fellowship, Anne Sauka will work on the project “Life, Environment and Situated Knowledge: Baltic Mythology as a Knowledge Source in Environmental Philosophy”. The project will explore community-based experiences and, in particular, folklore as situated knowledge in the context of environmental philosophy, as well as consider the complementarity of the fields of philosophy and folklore.
Līga Ignatāne is a researcher at the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia (ISSP UL) and a PhD candidate. The topic of the dissertation is aimed at nanostructure fabrication with a focused ion beam. The availability of the newest generation of double-beam microscopes in Latvia and the ever-closer collaboration with biologists allow the creation of new and more accurate solutions for the detection of various substances even at low concentration. During her master's degree studies, she managed to work as teacher of physics at the Valmiera State Gymnasium, and during her doctoral studies, she was a part-time coordinator of the Taiwan and the Baltic States Research Center in Physics. Since 2015, everyday life is going on in the ISSP UL laboratories, but folk dances have always been present. She ended her career as member of the dance ensemble “Daiļrade”, but since 2021 Līga has been leading the youth dance group “Sadancis”.
The Baltic Women in Science fellowship is a high assessment of the scientific work she has accomplished so far, Līga admits, as well as a significant financial support that will help her to devote more time to the dissertation topic.
The President of Latvia meets with the leadership of the Latvian Academy of Sciences
On 22 April, President Edgars Rinkēvičs met with the President of the Latvian Academy of Sciences Ivars Kalviņš, and Secretary-General Baiba Rivža at the Riga Castle. The meeting was held to discuss the current work priorities of the Academy.
The President of Latvia listened to the proposals of I. Kalviņš on measures to ensure the growth of the Latvian economy by strengthening cooperation between Latvian scientists and enterprises.
Source: The President of Latvia meets with the leadership of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Chancery of the President of Latvia, 22 April 2024.
LAS Grand Medal 2024 awarded to Maija Dambrova and Kristiāna Ābele
On 16 April 2024, the Senate of the Latvian Academy of Sciences (LAS) decided on awarding the LAS Grand Medal 2024 to Dr. pharm. Maija Dambrova and Dr. art. Kristiāna Ābele.
[pdf./in Latvian]
Dr. pharm. Maija Dambrova
The Grand Medal 2024 of the Latvian Academy of Sciences is awarded for outstanding achievements in the studies of the mechanisms of new pharmacologically active compounds and establishment of a new school of pharmacologists in Latvia.
Prof. M. Dambrova is Head of the Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Pharmacology, Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis, and Professor at the Riga Stradiņš University, Faculty of Pharmacy (Latvia). She has a PhD in Pharmaceutical Biosciences from Uppsala University (Sweden) and also holds a MBA degree from RISEBA, Latvia. She is full member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences.
Prof. M. Dambrova is specializing in drug discovery, investigation of the molecular action mechanisms of drugs and biomarkers in collaboration with academic research partners and pharmaceutical industry. Research interests include pharmacology and medicinal chemistry related to the cardiometabolic drugs and novel paths to regulate cellular energy metabolism. For her achievements, M. Dambrova has been awarded EFPIA nomination “Portraits of Science–Scientists of Tomorrow”, Baltic Assembly Prize in Science, L`Oréal Latvian fellowship "For Women in Science" with the support of the Latvian National Commission for UNESCO and the Latvian Academy of Sciences.
[pdf./in Latvian]
Dr. art. Kristiāna Ābele
The Grand Medal 2024 of the Latvian Academy of Sciences is awarded for original research in the 19th century and the early 20th century Latvian and Baltic art historiography, history of books, and studies into Baltic German cultural heritage.
Dr. Kristiāna Ābele – art historian and editor, senior researcher and director at the Institute of Art History of the Art Academy of Latvia in Riga and lecturer at the Department of Art History at the same institution, full member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences.
Author of monographs about artists Pēteris Krastiņš (2006), Johann Walter (Walter-Kurau) (2009; concise version, 2014), Voldemārs Zeltiņš (2021) and Vilhelms Purvītis (in the book "Purvītis", ed. by Laima Slava, 2022), parts about the artistic life of 1840ies to 1915ies in the "Art History of Latvia" (ed. by Eduards Kļaviņš, vol. IV, 2014; vol. III, book 2, 2019) as well as articles, conference papers, public lectures, essays and exhibition projects about Baltic art in the late 19th and early 20th century. Editor of 2003 and 2012 volumes in the series “Materials for Latvian Art History” and the special issue "Representing Art History in the Baltic Countries: Experiences and Prospects" of "Kunstiteaduslikke Uurimusi" (2018, vol. 27, no. 1–3).
The English edition of the “LAS YEARBOOK” published
In April, the “Latvian Academy of Sciences YEARBOOK 2024”, prepared by a group of authors, was published in English. This is already the fifth publication, which has been created in accordance with a different concept to the traditional yearbook or activity report of the Latvian Academy of Sciencies that is released in Latvian. The yearbook emphasizes current topics in Latvian and world science, as well as the most significant achievements and events in Latvia in various fields of science. The authors of the articles are scientists and science policy makers, as well as public servants, representatives of culture and art.
The edition of 2024 offers readers three main themes: the intersection of humanism and pragmatism, science for life and life sciences, energy and the energy of natural sciences. The issue concludes with an article by Pēteris Stradiņš, dedicated to the memory of academician Jānis Stradiņš and the Enlightenment movement and its most prominent representative in Latvia, Gotthardt Friedrich Stender, and tells about the message encoded in the sculptural ensemble "Gates of Light" inaugurated in Sunākste in the fall of 2023.
LAS YEARBOOK 2024 [pdf.]
Alliance4Life members are committed to bridge the innovation gap in CEE region
On 18th of March 2024, representatives of twelve Alliance4Life member institutions gathered in Brno to kick-off the new EU funded project A4L_BRIDGE. The four-year project will enable the partners to implement 16 work packages focusing on modernisation of careers in research, collaborations among partners and engagement with the industry, policy makers and patient organisations. The action is supported by 4 722 788 EUR from the Horizon Widera 2023 European Excellence Initiative and led by CEITEC Masaryk University. This time, Crowdhelix joined as a new partner to maximize the dissemination and exploitation of the project results. Crowdhelix is open innovation platform that forges links between an international network of excellent researchers and innovating companies so that they can plan, deliver, and exploit pioneering collaborative projects and value chains.
The kick-off conference was opened by Vice Rector for Research and Doctoral Studies of Masaryk University Šárka Pospíšilová who emphasized that this project represents a significant milestone in ongoing efforts of the Masaryk University to advance research and innovation in Central and Eastern Europe. The Vice Rector thanked the partners for their lasting dedication and commitment that they showed during the last six years and introduced the history and context of the Alliance4Life foundation.
Despite investments and dedicated schemes, the research and innovation performance of EU-13 countries in Central and Eastern Europe still lags behind their Western counterparts. This challenge stems from underdeveloped ecosystems, brain drain, fragmented collaboration, and limited integration into international networks. Recognising these obstacles, Alliance4Life emerged in 2017 as a strategic alliance of ten progressive life science institutions from nine countries of Central and Eastern Europe.
Through the first Horizon 2020 funding, Alliance4Life fostered knowledge exchange, shared best practices, and laid the groundwork for a cultural transformation in research universities in the CEE region. In 2021, building on this success, the A4L_ACTIONS project expanded its vision and invited two leading universities from Romania and Bulgaria to join. Together, the twelve member institutes turned previously piloted ideas into concrete actions. Over the next three years, all eleven Widening countries from the CEE region worked together to implement the project goals and to narrow the innovation gap.
Stefan Weiers, Head of Sector for Widening at the European Commission’s Directorate General for Research and Innovation highlighted in his speech that Alliance4Life has become a regional role model, catalysing positive institutional changes in universities and research institutes across Central and Eastern Europe.
The Coordinator of the Alliance4Life, Ester Jarour, introduced the new A4L_BRIDGE project that will boost the competitiveness and innovation potential of the member institutions. This project will implement further institutional reforms that will lay the foundation for excellent science. Jarour highlighted that Alliance4Life's success is built on its unique ability to transform institutional cultures through open communication and sharing good practices. The partners are willing to share issues and problems and solve them together. The desired progress happens thanks to joint training, networking, and competence building. The voices and opinions of the research institutions from Central and Eastern Europe are heard in Brussels thanks to the collaborative policy papers produced by the Alliance4Life members.
Alliance4Life is now planning to build upon their success and inspire positive changes beyond the member institutions and boost the translation of the health research results. The members will continue serving as a role model in institutional governance for progressive research institutions and implement further institutional reforms. Their goal is to create a more attractive environment for researchers and continue building competencies of research managers. The new project will enable a foundation of virtual research institute that will promote interactions between scientific communities in the member countries. The virtual research institute will be hosted on a new web platform that will provide shared E-learning and enable matchmaking of mentors and mentees and offer industry internships for doctoral candidates. The new web platform will also serve as central project gateway and databank of all deliverables that can be freely exploited by non-members, who wish to follow the good example of the Allaince4Life.
About Alliance4Life
A4L´s members aim to contribute to the close innovation gap by improving institutional culture and implementing effective strategic management in the lower-performing countries of CEE. Their common mission is to promote and strengthen Europe-wide research excellence and its positive impact on society, human health, and quality of life. The members of A4L are Latvia – Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis; Czech Republic – CEITEC/ Masaryk University and International Clinical Research Center; Slovakia – Biomedical Research Center of the Slovak Academy of Sciences; Poland – Medical University of Lodz; Croatia – School of Medicine, University of Zagreb; Estonia – University of Tartu; Lithuania – Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University; Slovenia – University of Ljubljana; Hungary – Semmelweis University; Bulgaria – Medical University of Sofia; Romania – University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila" Bucharest.
Source: Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis, 09.04.2024.
LAS General Meeting to convene on 4 April 2024
The regular Spring General Meeting of the Latvian Academy of Sciences (LAS) will convene on Thursday, April 4, 2024, starting at 2PM. Conferring of the LAS Grand Medal 2023 and congratulation of the laureates of the academic awards are on the agenda of the meeting.
The laureate of the LAS Grand Medal – Aivars Bērziņš*, LAS full member, - is highly appraised for his research on the molecular epidemiology of zoonotic pathogens having significant impact on public health.
- Address by the LAS President Ivars Kalviņš.
- Laudatio for LAS Grand Medal 2023 laureate Aivars Bērziņš.
- Awarding of the LAS Grand Medal 2023 to Aivars Bērziņš.
- Academic lecture by LAS Grand Medal 2023 laureate Aivars Bērziņš: One Health Concept in Science.
- Report by the LAS Secretary General Prof. Baiba Rivža.
- Report by the Chairman of the LAS Supervisory Council Juris Krūmiņš.
At the Right Place and Time: A4L Trigger Event in Latvia Sparks Discussions on Shaping Future Framework Programme
The Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis (LIOS), a key player in Latvia’s scientific landscape and a proud member of the Alliance4Life (A4L) consortium, initiated a discussion on scientific community’s opinion in shaping the new European Union (EU) Framework Program.
On January 16, 2024, a panel discussion was held at the Senate meeting of the Latvian Academy of Sciences (LAS) chaired by Prof. Tatjana Koķe. The attendees included members of the LAS Senate, Deputy State Secretary for Higher Education, Science, Space, and Innovation at the Ministry of Education and Science (MoES) Jānis Paiders, MoES Science Sector Adviser in Brussels Aleksandrs Mārtiņš Blūms, member of the Expert group on the interim evaluation of “Horizon Europe”, Vice-Rector for Science of RSU Agrita Kiopa, the coordinator of the “Horizon 2020” Teaming program project BBCE Prof. Jānis Ločs, and representatives of LIOS.
Opening the discussion, Osvalds Pugovičs, Deputy Director of LIOS, provided an overview of A4L’s contribution to science policy and institutional governance improvement. Prof. Maija Dambrova (LIOS), a full member of the LAS, presented A4L’s policy paper on the efficiency of WIDESPREAD measures and recommendations for strategic planning for the last phase (2025-2027) of the “Horizon Europe” program and the future Framework Program (2028-2034). The recommendations drew on A4L participants’ experience with EU programs available to Widening region countries—Twinning, Teaming, and ERAChair projects.
“The goal of the A4L is not to wait for help but to find strength within ourselves, share best practices, express the views of progressive scientific organizations to policymakers, and be heard both at the national and EU levels,” emphasized Prof. Maija Dambrova.
A4L highlighted the positive impact of participating in Widening programs – expanded collaboration networks, improved project applications, enhanced administrative efficiency, promoted researcher mobility, and increased institutions’ ability to attract foreign scientists.
As main challenges for further Widening development in Central and Eastern European countries, as identified by A4L, include difficulties in recruiting researchers due to salary disparities, a lack of resources for sustaining research, insufficient international visibility of regional institutions, and inconsistencies in competition calls at European and national levels. A4L advocated for a larger portion of resources to be allocated to research activities in Widening projects, suggesting that the implementation period of Twinning programs is too short for excellent results.
To address these challenges, A4L has prepared several recommendations, urging a shift from promoting excellence to empowering excellence. This involves making research organizations from Widening region countries research and innovation leaders, improving existing programs to support research and innovation directly, and recognizing established Centers of Excellence.
Coordination between the European Commission (EC) and national governments is crucial. A4L suggested strategic coordination in creating new Centers of Excellence, ensuring sustainability, and involving existing Centers of Excellence in EU research policy development processes.
It is recommended to improve coordination of project calls to leverage synergies between EC and national funding support mechanisms. A4L encouraged the widening of the practice of “Seal of Excellence” by supporting, at the national level, high-rated EU project applications that did not receive funding. The need for national research and innovation reforms, researcher career models, internationally open working environments, targeted infrastructure investments, support for outstanding research, and the promotion of existing Centers of Excellence were also emphasized.
Starting the panel discussion, Prof. Maija Dambrova addressed the audience: “Will there be a Widening program in the new Framework Program, and what will it be like? Since the Framework Program is still under development, this is our opportunity to express our opinion. By discussing with each other, we can create our proposals and ensure that they reach policymakers!”
The participants positively acknowledged A4L’s role in shaping science policy and commended LIOS for initiating a significant discussion for Latvian science.
Prof. Jānis Ločs emphasized the potential of Teaming projects in achieving excellence over a 7-year implementation period. He advocated for the continuation and improvement of both the Teaming and Twinning programs, with increased funding for research activities to boost partner interest.
Full member of the LAS, Prof. Andris Šternbergs (coordinator of “Horizon 2020” Teaming project CAMART²) stressed the importance of a good reputation to enter the European and global scientific area:
“We need to come to these programs with our ideas, show that we are at very good the level and can work as equal partners. We need to come in these programs with good infrastructure and established researcher career models.” Prof. Šternbergs emphasized the importance of EraNet projects and COST actions to initiate new collaborations, partly preparing the ground for successful Widening partnerships.
Prof. Šternbergs proposed not limiting consortiums of Teaming projects only to initially selected European partners but providing the opportunity to attract new partners, including from developed third countries.
Agrita Kiopa highlighted the alignment of A4L’s recommendations with those compiled from Latvia’s best research organizations:
“What A4L has compiled and formulated expresses the views of many of our colleagues. I will encourage the expert group to invite A4L to one of the discussions.” Among other things, Dr. Kiopa emphasized the importance of addressing candidates for European Parliament on their position about science policy and shape of the next Framework Program.
Jānis Paiders acknowledged A4L’s regular communication of vital science and innovation issues to the Ministry of Education and Science. Paiders said:
“The Widening program is one of the priorities of the Ministry of Education and Science because in this program, Latvia has shown the best results, and it also highlights the potential of our research organizations.”
In conclusion, the panel participants recognized A4L’s recommendations for mobilizing the Latvian scientific community to actively participate in shaping the new Framework Program. Strengthening this commitment, Jānis Paiders informed that the ministry will soon organize a working group for the formulation of Latvia’s opinion on the 10th Framework Program and invited the audience to participate in its work.
Academician Tatjana Koķe, chairperson of the LAS Senate, ended the discussion by emphasizing the following: "The discussion has started very timely, but it needs to be continued with concrete works. LAS will pay attention to this issue, bringing it up at the political level as well, including holding an exchange of views with candidates for MPs at the nextEuropean Parliament. There must be an action program to be launched, where everyone knows how to lend their hand, share their intelligence and capacity, so that we can get off to a great start in the 10th Framework Program. Being a partner of a follower is not enough, we have to take a leadership position!”
Alliance4Life brings together 12 progressive leading Central and Eastern European scientific institutions, whose common mission is to strengthen scientific excellence across Europe, improve scientific performance, and contribute to the health and quality of life of European citizens. Alliance4Life participants: Latvia – LIOS; Czech Republic – Masaryk University/CEITEC and International Clinical Research Center; Slovakia – Biomedical Research Center of the Slovak Academy of Sciences; Poland – Medical University of Lodz; Croatia – School of Medicine – University of Zagreb; Estonia – University of Tartu; Lithuania – Vilnius University – Faculty of Medicine; Slovenia – University of Ljubljana; Hungary – Semmelweis University; Bulgaria – Medical University Sofia; Romania – University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” Bucharest.
Source: Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis, 25/01/2024
Winners of the annual Science Achievements’ Competition 2023 announced
The Latvian Academy of Sciences (LAS) has announced winners of the annual Science Achievements’ Competition - top ten achievements were selected from 49 eligible proposals that were submitted for evaluation.
Traditionally the achievements in science are divided in two groups – fundamental science and applied science; the achievements shortlisted for the winners group usually cover a wide scope of research areas – ranging from solid state physics and robotics, biomedicine, pharmacy and chemistry, engineering and agricultural sciences to literary science, art history, philosophy, and economy.
Achievements in Latvian Science 2023 [pdf].
About the competition
The year 2023 marks the 22nd anniversary since the Latvian Academy of Sciences launched the annual science achievement competition. The principal aim of the competition since then has been: annual monitoring of the processes in Latvian science by assessing and naming the most significant achievements of the year. Also, the results and winners of the competition would be popularized among wider public thus contributing to science communication in Latvia. Since 2011, as the competition gained its popularity among researchers and the academic community, the winners are awarded diplomas, and a special awarding ceremony is held. In the following years the event's regular and numerous attendees include its supporters, sponsors, media representatives and other stakeholders. This annual event highlights and celebrates the excellence in Latvian science and research.
Season's Greetings!
Diploma awarding ceremony for the newly elected members of the LAS
Tuesday, December 19, 2023, at at 15.00 PM the diploma awarding ceremony will be held for the new members elected at the autumn General meeting of the Latvian Academy of Sciences this year. Among them the Academy welcomes two new foreign members: Rotraut Merkle – Ph.D. (1998), senior research assistant at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany, and Luboš Švec – Ph.D. (1988), historian at the Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic.
List of the new members (in Latvian).
Latvian Academy of Sciences Grand Medal 2023 awarded to the biologist Aivars Bērziņš and the physicist Pauls Stradiņš
The laureates of the 2023 Latvian Academy of Sciences (LAS) Grand Medal, according to the decision of the LAS Senate of March 21, 2023, are Aivars Bērziņš, full member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, and Ph.D. Pauls Stradiņš, LAS foreign member. The on-line presentation of the laureate Pauls Stradiņš will take place on November 23, during the LAS Autumn General meeting, while the presentation of Aivars Bērziņš is due to take place at the LAS Spring General meeting in April 2024.
Dr. Aivars Bērziņš has been acknowledged with the highest award of the Latvian Academy of Sciences for significant achievements in molecular epidemiology studies of zoonotic pathogens important to public health.
Dr. Pauls Stradiņš’ research work is distinguished with the highest award of the Latvian Academy of Sciences for significant accomplishments in the field of silicon photovoltaics and long-term practical cooperation with Latvian scientists.
For more information please visit the LAS website (in Latvian).
LAS General Meeting to convene on 23 November 2023
The regular Autumn General Meeting of the Latvian Academy of Sciences (LAS) will convene on Thursday, November 23, 2023, starting at 2PM. Conferring of the LAS Grand Medal 2023 and the elections of new members of the academy are on the agenda of the meeting. The Senate of the LAS has announced 11 vacancies for full members, 14 vacancies for corresponding members and 2 vacancies for foreign members.
The LAS Grand Medal is awarded to PhD Pauls Stradiņš*, LAS foreign member, for outstanding achievements in the field of silicon photovoltaics and long-term practical cooperation with Latvian scientists.
The second laureate of the LAS Grand Medal – Aivars Bērziņš, LAS full member - will be honoured at the LAS Spring General Meeting in April 2024. Aivars Bērziņš is awarded the LAS Grand Medal for the research on the molecular epidemiology of zoonotic pathogens having significant impact on public health.
- Receiving ballots and voting takes place at the Registration.
- Introduction by the LAS President Ivars Kalviņš.
- Awarding of the LAS Grand Medal 2023 to Pauls Stradiņš, LAS foreign member.
- Laudatio for LAS Grand Medal 2023 laureate Pauls Stradiņš by academician Linards Skuja.
- Academic report by LAS Grand Medal 2023 laureate Pauls Stradiņš.
Memorandum of Understanding between the Latvian Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan signed
NAS RK president Dr. Kunsulu Zakarya and LAS president Prof. Ivars Kalvins. Photo - Jānis Brencis.
On Thursday, September 21, 2023, as part of the VI International Economic Forum, a Memorandum of Understanding between the Latvian Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NAS RK) under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan was signed at the Latvian Academy of Sciences (LAS) on cooperation in the field of science. The memorandum was signed by LAS president Prof. Ivars Kalviņš and NAS RK president Dr. Kunsulu Zakarya. The meeting was also attended by the Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Latvia H.E. Timur Primbetov and the embassy representatives.
The memorandum envisages the development of cooperation between the two institutions in earth and space research, communication sciences, agrobiological resources and ecology research, life and health sciences, education, humanities and social sciences.
The memorandum envisages that the parties will carry out the cooperation between scientific and research institutions according to their capabilities and needs, including exchange of experience, joint projects, education and training of experts and researchers.
The Kazakh delegation also visited the Biomedical Research and Study Center (BMC) on September 21. Academician Jānis Kloviņš, chairman of BMC's Scientific Council, introduced the guests to the Center’s activities, BMC's deputy director for scientific infrastructure issues, LAS corresponding member Dāvids Fridmanis introduced BMC's laboratories.
On September 22, the representatives of the Kazakhstan NAS visited the Institute of Organic Synthesis of Latvia (OSI). Director of OSI, LZA corresponding member Osvalds Pugovičs told about OSI's work directions and achievements, as well as introduced to the institute's laboratories.
Foto – Jānis Brencis.
VI International Economic Forum "OPEN INNOVATIONS: from the Creativity of the Individual to Science-Based Innovative Economy"
VI International Economic Forum "OPEN INNOVATIONS: from the Creativity of the Individual to Science-Based Innovative Economy" will take place this year. September 21 and 22 at the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Akadēmijas Square 1, Riga.
The purpose of the VI International Economic Forum is to analyze the role of human creativity and the potential of international ecosystems in the development of open innovation, as well as to present the world's best practices and evidence-based practical solutions to achieve a higher level of well-being in our globalized society.
The practice successfully established in the I, II, III, IV and V Economic Forums will be continued, that the Forum serves as a platform for exchange of experience and cooperation between scientists, entrepreneurs and politicians, stimulating the entry of foreign and local investments and innovative national economy in the long term. You can find the results of previous forums at
Renars Raubiškis
LAS EI project manager